Saturday, September 09, 2006

Backlink from .GW !!!!!

Top level domain .gw has only three registered domains (in google).
Somehow I managed to "convince" one of them to link back to me :-)))

check this out:

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Backlink from NAA.AERO

.aero TLD is older than .info... there must have been some powerful lobbying going on...

check it out:

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Backlinks from STANFORD.EDU

I've heard this strange theory, that "Google's crawl begins from domain". True, or not - it's always good to be linked from some reputable university sites.

check it out:


- (note: viagra and cialis links are not mine)


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Backlink from GOOGLE.COM

Somebody in Google forgot to update their robots.txt... So everyone can get a backlink from indexed by google itself part of their index (proof)

check it out:

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Backlink from .INT domain

Backlinks from .int domains are considered rare among backlinks collectors.

check it out:

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Backlink from CA.GOV

One of the most active forums in the internets. They link to my blog! ;-)

check it out:

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Monday, September 04, 2006

Backlink from NASA

Let's begin with something cool... how about getting a backlink from

check it out:

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The deal:

I had a dream... that my blog has backlinks from all possible top-level domains...

Collected baclinks

Not yet...

.aq, .aw, .ax, .az, .ba, .bb, .bd, .be, .bf, .bg, .bh, .bi, .bj, .bm, .bn, .bo, .br, .bs, .bt, .bv, .bw, .by, .bz, .ca, .cc, .cd, .cf, .cg, .ch, .ci, .ck, .cl, .cm, .cn, .co, .cr, .cu, .cv, .cx, .cy, .cz, .de, .dj, .dk, .dm, .do, .dz, .ec, .ee, .eg, .er, .es, .et, .eu, .fi, .fj, .fk, .fm, .fo, .fr, .ga, .gb, .gd, .ge, .gf, .gg, .gh, .gi, .gl, .gm, .gn, .gp, .gq, .gr, .gs, .gt, .gu, .gy, .hk, .hm, .hn, .hr, .ht, .hu, .id, .ie, .il, .im, .in, .io, .iq, .ir, .is, .it, .je, .jm, .jo, .jp, .ke, .kg, .kh, .ki, .km, .kn, .kr, .kw, .ky, .kz, .la, .lb, .lc, .li, .lk, .lr, .ls, .lt, .lu, .lv, .ly, .ma, .mc, .md, .mg, .mh, .mk, .ml, .mm, .mn, .mo, .mp, .mq, .mr, .ms, .mt, .mu, .mv, .mw, .mx, .my, .mz, .na, .nc, .ne, .nf, .ng, .ni, .nl, .no, .np, .nr, .nu, .nz, .om, .pa, .pe, .pf, .pg, .ph, .pk, .pl, .pm, .pn, .pr, .ps, .pt, .pw, .py, .qa, .re, .ro, .ru, .rw, .sa, .sb, .sc, .sd, .se, .sg, .sh, .si, .sj, .sk, .sl, .sm, .sn, .so, .sr, .st, .su, .sv, .sy, .sz, .tc, .td, .tf, .tg, .th, .tj, .tk, .tl, .tm, .tn, .to, .tp, .tr, .tt, .tv, .tw, .tz, .ua, .ug, .uk, .um, .us, .uy, .uz, .va, .vc, .ve, .vg, .vi, .vn, .vu, .wf, .ws, .ye, .yt, .yu, .za, .zm, .zw