I had a dream... that my blog has backlinks from all possible top-level domains...
.aq, .aw, .ax, .az, .ba, .bb, .bd, .be, .bf, .bg, .bh, .bi, .bj, .bm, .bn, .bo, .br, .bs, .bt, .bv, .bw, .by, .bz, .ca, .cc, .cd, .cf, .cg, .ch, .ci, .ck, .cl, .cm, .cn, .co, .cr, .cu, .cv, .cx, .cy, .cz, .de, .dj, .dk, .dm, .do, .dz, .ec, .ee, .eg, .er, .es, .et, .eu, .fi, .fj, .fk, .fm, .fo, .fr, .ga, .gb, .gd, .ge, .gf, .gg, .gh, .gi, .gl, .gm, .gn, .gp, .gq, .gr, .gs, .gt, .gu, .gy, .hk, .hm, .hn, .hr, .ht, .hu, .id, .ie, .il, .im, .in, .io, .iq, .ir, .is, .it, .je, .jm, .jo, .jp, .ke, .kg, .kh, .ki, .km, .kn, .kr, .kw, .ky, .kz, .la, .lb, .lc, .li, .lk, .lr, .ls, .lt, .lu, .lv, .ly, .ma, .mc, .md, .mg, .mh, .mk, .ml, .mm, .mn, .mo, .mp, .mq, .mr, .ms, .mt, .mu, .mv, .mw, .mx, .my, .mz, .na, .nc, .ne, .nf, .ng, .ni, .nl, .no, .np, .nr, .nu, .nz, .om, .pa, .pe, .pf, .pg, .ph, .pk, .pl, .pm, .pn, .pr, .ps, .pt, .pw, .py, .qa, .re, .ro, .ru, .rw, .sa, .sb, .sc, .sd, .se, .sg, .sh, .si, .sj, .sk, .sl, .sm, .sn, .so, .sr, .st, .su, .sv, .sy, .sz, .tc, .td, .tf, .tg, .th, .tj, .tk, .tl, .tm, .tn, .to, .tp, .tr, .tt, .tv, .tw, .tz, .ua, .ug, .uk, .um, .us, .uy, .uz, .va, .vc, .ve, .vg, .vi, .vn, .vu, .wf, .ws, .ye, .yt, .yu, .za, .zm, .zw
Disallow: /jsky?
Disallow: /pda?
Disallow: /sprint_xhtml
Disallow: /sprint_wml
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:19 AM
well... hmm... you are right... robots.txt disallows googlebot from indexing /pda?
but it still shows up in the SERPs!!! how can that be?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:01 AM
well, i'm pretty sure i've read this somewhere... the G bot actually doesn't give a $h!t about the robots.txt, it first indexes the site and afterwards, when it parses the robots.txt at last, it removes them from the index, this may be temporary...
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:05 AM
hmm... quite "ungooglish" :-)
other search engines give no results for "site:google.com/pda" with ? at the end..
anyway - if it really is temporary, make use of it fast, before it stops working :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:39 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:34 AM
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